We as consumers have turned a blind-eye to the processed foods that we are choosing to consume on a daily basis. They are not save or ethical.
We are the only ones to blame. After watching and reading a different variety of movies, documentaries, and books there is not much to say. We have done it to ourselves and there is simply no one else to blame. My question is, will we ever be able to recover from the current state of our food production system, or are we only in the early stages? The United States has come far in the food production business and with more profit in sight, chooses to neglect and abuse the system for big corporation profits. Market Capitalism is destroying the health of citizens globally today. Many of us do not want to face the facts and turn a blind eye to the produce displayed on the shelves at our local markets, and exactly what it took to get it there.
An increase in food production has only been a result of an economic demand for the products that we crave day to day, as well as rapid population and trying to meet the needs of consumers consumption. Is there really any other way? When comparing the cultures and societies that we live in, in each video “Food Inc” and “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat”, there is a large split between beliefs and the ways of living. America, being as well developed as it is, allows you to eat any meal that you can dream up, from any country or culture, within a 30-mile radius. Other regions of the world choose to use the resources that are domestic to the area. Sweet sugars, both sour and hot spices, and many more flavors that can be grown naturally are used to create healthy dishes.
Some put a higher value on what their body is consuming compared to others. The treatment of the agriculture that we produce, and the health hazards are irrelevant to big corporations, and have only been proven to be true. We don’t blink an eye or take much consideration into the natural growth, maturity, and health of the food that we are consuming. Even worse than that, there are many different types of byproduct and other sources of meat that are being mixed to meet consumption needs, meats from all over the world from animals that could possibly have diseases, poor health, or injected with medication to extend their life until needed as a food source. An example of this would be the hamburger meat that we consume.
A current crisis that we are seeing in the food industry is the meat that is being imported from all over the world labeled as USDA approved beef. This beef is coming from places where we are not able to manage the quality control of the animals and could not prove proper health of these animals. Food activists are currently working on reformations to require meat packaging companies to label the location in which the meat is being produced. Locations like Brazil, South America, and Mexico contribute to the meat market (beef specifically) in the United States plus many more. This is extremely controversial because it can influence consumers preference and pricing on the world market. There are many things that we still must do to take better steps towards the food that we are consuming.
It’s is astonishing to learn about all the events that are happening in today's food industry. This makes me question why we are not seeing more current issues like these in news headlines? What are law makers and activist doing to avoid events like these occurring more frequently? I think the food and growing health concerns is a major key element for our future and the lifestyle that we are going to live. I personally would love to get more involved and help with growing concerns like these because I grew up on a farm and there must be ways with new technology to better production of farming and agriculture.